American Payroll Preparation with Lori's Payroll Select dramatically simplifies the payroll process by automating all the labour-intensive tasks involved in payroll administration. Lori's Payroll Select offers features typically not found when outsourcing payroll, such as importing attendance data, managing benefits and expenses and converting worked hours to earnings.
Powered by the EMPulse Series payroll engine, the Lori's Payroll Select Payroll Preparation solution offers rich functionality and reporting capabilities that can help you cut your payroll management time by 25% to 80%, while increasing the accuracy of your payroll considerably.
This sophisticated yet easy-to-use business payroll tool handles all aspects of complex employment payroll generation: union requirements, multi-tiered employee rate resolution, and the payroll calculator for benefits, arrears and multiple accrual types.
Mistakes with your company payroll preparation can be costly. According to a recent American study, more than 80% of payroll management costs are incurred before the business payroll is processed. And in the US, according to IRS statistics, approximately 33% of employers make payroll administration errors, costing them billions of dollars in penalties each year.
The solution? Lori's Payroll Select Payroll Preparation greatly simplifies most of the time consuming pre-pay work done by your payroll staff through the process of automating and ensuring that your specific pay rules are accurately and consistently applied without the use of calculators, spreadsheets or lookup tables.
Lori's Payroll Select Payroll Preparation Solutions greatly simplifies most of the time consuming pre-pay work done by your payroll staff through the process of automating and ensuring that your specific pay rules are accurately and consistently applied without the use of calculators, spreadsheets or lookup tables.
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